Financial Structuring

The financing of your business and its growth is of paramount importance. Many founders concentrate on the operational side of running their business as they find it more exciting, but having robust financials in place frees up optionality for strategic activity as well as more headspace to concentrate on products and customers.

The right balance of cash, equity, debt and other instruments gives more flexibility.  We can also arrange fast reclaiming R&D tax credits (4-6 weeks) and applying for Government and International Grants in a focussed fashion to give a higher probability of success. We work with a specialist grant application company to help with this. 

Many founders are in business to find and delight customers with their offering. The less glamorous side of managing money is often relegated down to the to-do list until it is suddenly an urgent priority to keep the lights on or to fulfil an order.

We work with companies to ensure they are appropriately financed to weather as much of the operational fluctuations as possible, and to ensure that the business can thrive when things are going well.

We will review the overall capital requirements of your business and suggest ways to ensure that capital is not a constraint as far as possible. However, some capital discipline is good as it is ensures that every spending decision is carefully considered.  

The blend of equity, debt, and other forms of capital is important in all businesses, but particularly for those exhibiting rapid growth. Founders need to be agile to avoid their stake being diluted too quickly in the early stages of growth.

We can help you present your company in a way that maximises your chance of attracting the capital you need, and have a network of business angels that we can approach. Critically, valuing early stage businesses is an art as much as it is a science: we can offer advice in this tricky area.

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Other Services

Strategic Advice

We have over 25 years of experience with analysing businesses. We don’t run your business but we can help you capture the opportunities while avoiding many of the pitfalls.

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The journey of startup and growth can be a difficult and lonely one. We can help lighten your burden by being in your corner, which can prove invaluable.

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Bespoke Services

We have close relationships with bespoke, discreet service providers in London and French Cote d’Azur / Monaco for clients who require a discretionary or advisory offering for high net-worths.

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