
We help companies and their founders to steer their business, as well as themselves, through the journey of start-up and growth.  

It can often be a difficult and lonely process with the burden of expectation, both personal and from others. Having someone to share that with who can make practical suggestions, or just knowing that you have someone in your corner can prove invaluable.

Mentoring is time consuming and involving, therefore we can only work with a limited number of clients to help them maximise their inherent skills and intuition in running their business and work/life balance

We have a particular focus on companies and founders that are working to bring about societal change or improvement in its various forms. This is an area that our clients find particularly rewarding, as do we.

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Talk to us today to find out how Prana Partners can help you flourish.

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Other Services

Strategic Advice

We have over 25 years of experience with analysing businesses. We don’t run your business but we can help you capture the opportunities while avoiding many of the pitfalls.

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Financial Structuring

Having robust financials frees you up for strategic activity and affords you the headspace to concentrate on your products and customers.

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Bespoke Services

We have close relationships with bespoke, discreet service providers in London and French Cote d’Azur / Monaco for clients who require a discretionary or advisory offering for high net-worths.

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Looking for something different?

With over 25 years of looking at businesses, we have a wealth of experience to share. If you don’t see what you are looking for, get in touch to see how we can help

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